de la empresa
Estrategias sobre gestión TIC y detalles de tecnología: Analistas de negocio BA, metodologías, UML, UP, MDE, SPL, DSL, Innovación, Emprender, agile, patrones de análisis y ontologías, UML, calidad, Administración Pública, sistemas y programación.
de la empresa
Platform-Independent Model-Driven Development Infographic
Executive Summary Platform-Independent Model Drive Development (PI-MDD) is an integrated agile, test-driven and model-driven approach to architecting, developing, testing and deploying complex, high-performance systems software. Two decades of constant refinement by hundreds of development teams and dozens of technology and expertise vendors spanning a range of challenging industries have optimized this method and its supporting automation to deliver the highest performance and best quality systems while boosting key business results. Real-world project metrics show the PI-MDD at its current level of refinement yields repeatable results including substantial productivity gains and 10 times quality gains within 14 months of adoption.
Una Oficina Técnica de Proyectos (OTP) es un centro de competencia dentro de cualquier organización, normalmente externalizado, que permite la coordinación entre las diferentes áreas de la organización y los departamentos de tecnología, sirviendo de referencia para la recogida y canalización de todas las necesidades en materia tecnológica. |
Funciones de una OTP
¿Qué beneficios obtiene el cliente?
A project management office (PMO) is an organizational body or entity assigned various responsibilities
related to the centralized and coordinated management of those projects under its domain. The responsibilities
of a PMO can range from providing project management support functions to actually being responsible for
the direct management of a project.
The projects supported or administered by the PMO may not be related, other than by being managed
together. The specifi c form, function, and structure of a PMO is dependent upon the needs of the organization
that it supports.
A PMO may be delegated the authority to act as an integral stakeholder and a key decision maker during the
beginning of each project, to make recommendations, or to terminate projects or take other actions as required
to keep business objectives consistent. In addition, the PMO may be involved in the selection, management,
and deployment of shared or dedicated project resources.
A primary function of a PMO is to support project managers in a variety of ways which may include, but are
not limited to:
Drools es un motor de regla de negocio para Java, usa en parte DSL para definir reglas.
Tambien tiene tablas de decisiones escritas en Excel.
¿alguien lo ha usado?
Gramatica de features en Emftext para Sple