Estrategias sobre gestión TIC y detalles de tecnología: Analistas de negocio BA, metodologías, UML, UP, MDE, SPL, DSL, Innovación, Emprender, agile, patrones de análisis y ontologías, UML, calidad, Administración Pública, sistemas y programación.
miércoles, 8 de febrero de 2012
Variabilidad en MD-SPL
VML* – A Family of Languages for Var iability M a n a gem en t in Softwa r e P r od u ct L in es
sábado, 4 de febrero de 2012
Herramientas Modelos de Caractarísticas.FOSD
Una buena lista la encontramos en Wikipedia:
During the last years Feature Modeling has become the "standard" for variability management in the field of Software Product Lines. Feature Models are easy to understand and provide a generic way to represent variability information, independent of a specific application domain. Several independent projects using the Eclipse platform / EMF have each defined their own meta model for feature models. Although these meta models have considerable structural differences, their core semantics are similar. A brief description of feature models can be found at Wikipedia. The EMF Feature Model project will define a standard representation of Feature Models inside the Eclipse platform. The intent is to provide a uniform representation for variability information for tools based on the Eclipse Modeling Framework. This will allow easy and consistent access to variability-related information, such as variation points and variant decisions, in DSLs, M2M transformations, and other contexts where variability information is produced or consumed.
M2T (Xpand) and TMF (Xtext) eclipse projects already have (simple) interfaces for feature model information integrated. These should be based on the proposed EMF Feature Model.
Feature-Oriented Software Development
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